I used to blog on Xanga. Back in the day. You know. Like, two years ago. And I just discovered yesterday that
my blog has not been deleted! I just assumed when it was inactive for so long that it would disappear. But there it is! And now I really want to figure out how to save it and turn it into a
book to preserve all those stories. Precious stories- like the one about Jack's first day of Kindergarten when Ben and I were both depressed and I wept and kept the whole house dark for days. Or the time when Ben was 2 and dressed in cowboy boots (at least 3 sizes too big), a very battered (read: beloved) cowboy hat, and a tea towel tied around his neck for a superman cape. As we got out of the car I asked him, "Are you a cowboy or a superhero today?" He replied, very seriously: "I a pirate."
And then there's this video. I thought this video was long lost, but I found it on this old blog! And since there is no other record of it, I just used my flip to video the video! Ben is probably about 3ish. It's only 20 seconds and it's worth a watch!
And if anyone has any ideas about saving my Xanga blog, I'm all ears.
Oh. My. Word. Too, too precious! I like the way he moves his mouth to enunciate. :)
So cute!!! I can't wait to turn our blog into a book some day. Please share tips if you have any advice - I know you wrote about it, but I haven't looked into it yet. Have a great Tuesday!
no ideas. but i LOVE your family shot in the header....and this blog's looking snazzy as can be!
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