Thursday, October 28, 2010

Birthday Guesses... or Wishes...

(first time EVER to post 3x's in one day!)

So, the cast of The Sound of Music was on Oprah today in honor of the birthday of myself and my daughter.  (NICE of them, right???) And earlier in the week I attended The Sound of Music Sing-A-Long w/ some great friends where WE were DEFINITELY heard singing in the Abbey!  ;-)  So all of these elements have combined to make this a GREAT birthday week!


Today while watching the cast of TOSM on Oprah Avé turned to me and said,
"I guess Maria could be my Mommy."  

She uses "guess" when what she means is "wish."  So, yeah.  She wishes Maria was her Mommy.  And I'm not even offended!  Because- Hey!  I wish Julie Andrews was MY mommy too!!!  She is a GODDESS!!!  (and did you know that SHE is also an adoptive mom???)  What a rock star.

And I'll close with some pix of the Birthday Girls before we went out to dinner tonight:



Sohailah said...

Sweet sweet SWEET! And don't you look HOT in your CAbi!

love you, girl.

And your sweet pumpkin, too!

p.s. I'm so sad I missed an actual Sound of Music sing-a-long! SERIOUSLY?! Remember when we used to have those in our Saturns - I believe we each had a cassette of the soundtrack.

Anonymous said...

These pictures are BEAUTIFUL!!! But I REALLY LOVE the SHOES!!! You are a Rock Star......

Selam! G'day! Hello!