Thursday, February 24, 2011

B-Day Pie

I'm still working on catching up on blogging!  I am getting closer... but still about 3 weeks behind.  Oh, well.

Jack's 10th Birthday was February 9th- which happened to be the same day as the premier of "Snowpocalypse 2: This Time It's Personal" was released here in Tulsa.  We knew it was headed our way on his birthday so we went out for dinner the night before.  He chose our family fave as his dinner choice: Lanna Thai.  Mmmmmmmmmmmm...!!!  Love me some Thai food!!!  Afterward we realized that we didn't have anything at home to make a b-day cake for him so we thought we would swing by Village Inn and get some Birthday Pie.

On the way home that night I started telling stories about when Jack was a baby.  Like...

The first time I saw him his eyes were open and he was waving his arms and kicking his legs and I literally thought he was the most beautiful baby that had ever been born.

When he was about 2 he took off his diaper while he was outside playing.  I asked why he took it off and he said he had to go potty.  "Did you go pee-pee on the grass?" I asked.  "Oh, no, Mommy."  he replied.  "Just poo-poo." 

About the time he ate dirt.  On purpose.  Mouthful after mouthful after mouthful.  

And right in the middle of the story about when he had to be hospitalized for pneumonia and how brave he was when the nurses had to put in his IV... BAM!!!   We were rear-ended.  :-(  Boo.  Our car is now in the shop and we have a rental and we are all seeing the chiropractor weekly.  

But regardless... my son is 10 and he is a truly wonderful son.  I'm so lucky and proud to be his mother!!!

1 comment:

Karenkool said...

Loved your stories. Too funny. Sorry about the accident. That's terrible. How's everyone feeling? Get your car back yet?

Selam! G'day! Hello!