Now, for a bit about my life. In the real world, I, like most of you, wear a lot of hats. I am not only a mom, but also a:
voice actor
literacy consultant
data website support person
curriculum/assessment writer
home-room mom
school volunteer
Sunday school teacher
Bible study attendee
All of those titles can give me life, and also suck the life right out of me. Sometimes all at the same time. We all know how important it is to take some time to fill up on the things that really feed us... and this weekend I did just that.
This is my dear friend Becky. She feeds me. She is so vivacious and effervescent that it cannot help but spill on to everyone who is lucky enough to be around her. She lives in Atlanta, so unfortunately for me I don't get to be around her in person very often, but we make a bit effort to get together at least once a year and either go to a spa or to a U2 concert, depending on where Bono is at the time. ;-) She came to town this past weekend and I think the photo below pretty much sums up our time together.
(Forgive me if I sound less enthusiastic than Becky was- this is something that I have to get to do all. the. time.)
Before Avé even came home Becky knew what she wanted to give to my daughter as a gift. A little background. Becky has 4 kids- 1 son and 3 daughters, 2 of which are twins. On one of our little get-togethers (in Chicago to see U2!) Becky talked me into going to a store that she wanted to visit. Realize that I only had sons at the time, and that will help you understand a bit about my manic aversion to THE AMERICAN GIRL DOLL STORE. It was, well... it was a moment. It was all I could do not to stand by the cash register and tell the women who were buying doll shoes that cost $12 that "there are children in this world w/o shoes- but by all means... buy some more for your daughter's DOLLS!!!" It was (in retrospect) a riot. So you won't be at all surprised to hear that I have not and do not intend to buy Avé any of those products, nor will it surprise you to hear that Auntie Becky has decided that she WILL. So since this was the first time they would meet... Auntie Becky brought Avé a "Bitty Baby" from American Girl. And, (shocker!) she loved it!
Avé wearing "farm clothes", but still managing to look adorable. |
LOVE the look on her face here! |
Friends for life. |
And she loved her Auntie Becky. But who wouldn't??? I love her, I know that. She gives me life. She knows everything (and I mean EVERYTHING!) about me and still adores me. She makes me more ME.
But there's more!!! Becky is a blogger- and you should read her blog because with it she is making a real difference. You see, over the past 2 years Becky has lost 100 pounds and kept it off for the past 6 months! Amazing, right??? And on her blog she is giving away all her secrets!!! But here's the deal... it's not really about weight loss. It's about (re)discovering who you really are and who you really want to be and finding a way to BE that person and HAVE that life you have always wanted. Because God created you to be YOU. You really can't do all the good things you are supposed to do on this Earth if you aren't being who God created you to be. And Becky got back in touch with that and is helping so many women do the same. So go check it out. My friend Becky is a STAR. I love and adore her and was filled up by her this past weekend. I'm so thankful she's in my life. I'm LUCKY. And grateful.
(I've been trying to embed a video she made, but it's not working. Here's a link to her "Victory Lap." It's amazing.)
I LOVE THIS POST! Great pics - God Bless ORU for the amazing friendships (oh, and education) we gained.
I'd do SAGA and the stairs in Claudius all over again for the blessings.
WOW! I LOVE this post too! Your friend sounds wonderful! I can't wait to check out her blog and start changing my life! She looks so gorgeous. She might just be the most amazing, phenomenal creature I have ever laid eyes on! Wow! ;)
Ha ha, Becky! Yes, you are A Real Good Friend.
Love you.
such an endearing post. and what a blessed gal she is to have a freind like you to dedicate this post to her. that is awesome within itself.
speaking of U2 and Bono (awesome dude isnt he) did you check out my somewhat recent post about his campaigns?
anyhow, yay for your time you had together. i will go check out her link.
p.s. glad you decided to stay public.
p/s have you heard of when Bono might be touring the U.S. next ? let me know .
You sound like an amazing friend, too! And thank you for your sweet comment... sometimes it is really difficult to navigate, but my gal IS so very brave. I am so proud of her. Your comment tells me that you will navigate these storms well... because you aren't closing your eyes to the possibility that they will appear. That says more than you know.
I love that you decided to stay public. I love you. I love Becky. Love spewing out everywhere. :)
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